Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Soviet Enlightenment? (Part 2)

Living Conditions under the Soviet Union
After a rough relationship between the Tsar and the citizens, the Soviets began to become popular amongst the people, as they promised freedoms, a stop to WWI, Land reform, and most importantly food!

The Swift abolishment of the Tsarists government
 Through effective use of propaganda, and the failing leadership of Tsar Nicholas II. the soviets had many soldiers on their side. Using the weapons they had been given for the war to revolt against the Tsar, and fighting for the empowerment of the soviets. These were called the "Red guards". 24-25 October 1917 the Red guards had control of most major places in Petrograd, places like Trains, Railway Stations, and Telephone Exchange were under Soviet control. Thanks to Trotsky being the official leader of the Red army, and Lenin's return from Exile, Red Guards stormed the Winter Palace & arrested members of provisional government, and it took only a few days for the Soviets to take control of major cities

The Soviet Opposition
 Although the Tsar was proven to be the wrong leader for the country at the time, there were allot of people that opposed the change of power. Creating what is called the "whites", citizens opposing the empowerment of the soviets decided to fight against the Reds. The Whites were very unsuccessful in fighting off the Reds, as they had no leader, and no organization, had to cover a long area, so the Red were able to kill off opposition one at a time. Many country's were also against the uprising of communism in Russia  and were opposed to it leaving the war, That even the Czech Republic began taking action and attacking Russian soldiers.

Initial Soviet Changes 

 With a Group of 25 members of Mensheviks, Social Revolutionaries and 14 Bolsheviks. The Soviets were now in a heart of the country, Petrograd. Lenin was chairman, Trotsky was the Commissar for War, and Stalin , Commissar for Nationalities.In December 1917, The Soviets had passed new laws, and made many changes in the country.
-The land that was previously owned by the Tsar, Nobles, and Church was redistributed.
-The social classes were abolished, and now every person was considered a "comrade", an equal citizen.
-Factory workers were to work a maximum 8 hour shifts a day to avoid over working their people.
-Closed down any non-Bolshevik newspapers.
-Setting up a secret Police force called the "Cheka".
-Marriage laws relaxed to allow non religious services and easier divorce.
-In 1918 banning all opposing forces, becoming a single party nation.
-Began talks with Germany, Austria, Hungary of a peace treaty to end WWI

Women in the work place
 Women were made equal to men, in pay and as a colleague  Alexandra Kollontai Set up Women’s Department of the Sovnarkom, and was the first female in any European government. Marriage became legal for men over 18 and women over 16. Abortion became legal, and women were also encouraged to be house wives if need be.

 Many schools were opened across Russia  the Soviets pushed for educating the next generation about the communist ideals. Even classes became open for peasants and workers to learn to read and write, and would also learn about the communist ideals

Changes in the Military Force
Trotsky was in charge of the Military and made the Military stronger through his very Disciplined ideals. Trotsky introduced the conscription of all men 18-40, which inflated the number of troops that were in the army. Many men were not happy with the conscription, so to avoid any Disloyal soldiers going out of line: Trotsky introduced Capital Punishment, and Harsh Disciplined  Trotsky employed the Tsar's best officers, and encouraged new talent. Having lots of respect for his troops, Trotsky made many visits to the front line to boost morale, and motivate his soldiers through speeches.

The Soviet Dark Side
  Although, at the beginning of their leadership, the Soviets made lots of positive change in the country, which proved them to have enlightenment ideals, the Soviets were beginning to forget about their people and more focused on the strength of their power, and their armies. To make sure the Red Army had enough food supplies and weaponry, the Government decided to take control over all aspects of the economy. By Nationalizing the economy, and controlling the distribution of goods, the economy was collapsing, the prices were rising, and the Roubole was stopped being used, as it held close to no value.
Town (Factory workers)
The Factories were supervised by state representatives who used strict disciplined on the workers to make sure the workers didnt slack off. They also banned all trade unions and had zero tolerence for protest, by sentencing death penalties to anyone convicted of protest. the factories began becoming short on labor  so no one was allowed to leave the cities, to avoid citizens abandoning the factories.
Peasant were expected to grow lots of crop for very little pay. This discouraged the farmers from working hard and growing sufficient crops. The government sent in Cheka to make sure non of the farmers are hoarding crops, and would terrorize the families. The farmers became mad at the government, so instead of hoarding crops, they would simply grow enough to feed their families. This resulted in a massive famine across the country.

Red Terror
 Due to a rising number of assassination attempts on Lenin for the mistreatment of the workers. Lenin decided to toughen up on Cheka, and made labor camps for anyone that opposed the Bolsheviks. Cheka tortured and executed anyone that questioned the Bolsheviks, and going as far as sending the Tsar to a concentration camp in Siberia, and killing his family in their home by Red soldiers.1917-1924 Cheka killed more than 250,000 people.

Soviet Russia in 1921
  The economy was completely in ruins and the workers began to revolt. The famine killed over 5 million people, and people turned to cannibalism to survive. It was clear that War Communism had made things worse. As protests began to get serious, Lenin made a wise decision of creating a New Economic Policy (NEP) Which had the following effects:

-Stopped requisition squads raiding the countryside.
-Peasants to pay small amount of grain as tax each year and the rest they could sell.
-Small factories of less than 20 men could return to their old owners & make a profit.
-Traders could make, buy & sell goods at a profit.
-Trade with foreign countries encouraged
This was successful in boosting the economy and lower the famine. Lenin saw the NEP as a temporary option, as it did not meet his communist ideas. NEP lasted until 1928

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