Saturday, May 18, 2013

Vladimir Lenin

   Vladimir Lenin was born 22nd of April 1870. He was born into a family that valued education, and expected their kids to value it just as much. Vladimir's mother and father were both directors of the public schools in the province and had stable jobs. Both his parents were monarchists and liberal conservatives, and were very loyal to Tsar Alexander II. As a child Vladimir bossed around his sister Olga, and had an extremely competitive nature, as well as being very destructive.
    On 12 January 1886, Vladimir's father died from a brain hemorrhage
 when Vladimir was 16 years old. This triggered Vladimir to be very confrontational and fitful behavior, and leading him to lose his belief in God. His elder Brother Aleksandr "Sacha" Ulyanov was studying biology at St. Petersburg University, and in 1885 received a gold medal from his university for his excellence in school.he was elected onto the university's Scientific-Literary Society, which led him to reading banned Leftist literature by  Dmitry PisarevNikolay DobrolyubovNikolay Chernyshevsky and Karl Marx. This literature changed his views on the Tsar, and he joined a radical revolutionary group whose main focus was to kill the Tzar. Sacha's job was to construct a bomb, but Before they attack commenced, the conspirators were arrested and tried. On 25 April 1887, Sacha was sentenced to death by hanging, and executed on 8 May. Regardless of the losses he has suffered, Vladimir stayed focus on his school work, also receiving a gold medal from his school, just like his brother. After finishing school Vladimir decided to go back and study law at Kazan University.
  At the at Kazan University Vladimir became interested in his late brothers political views and formed a group of revolutionary's, On 4 December he took part in a demonstration demanding the abolition of the 1884 statute and the re-legalisation of student societies, but along with 100 other protesters was arrested by police. Vladimir was accused of being the ring leader and was expelled from his university, and placed under police surveillance by The Ministry of Internal Affairs. Vladimir's mother became very worried about Vladimirs political views against the Tzar, so she decided to take him and move to village of Alakaevka, Samara Oblast, hoping he would get into agriculture. Unfortunetly he remained unpopular with locals, and had all his equipment and livestock to be stolen, which ultimately forced his mother to sell the farm.
   In September 1889, the Ulyanovs moved to Samara, here he met an exiled dissident Alexei P. Sklyarenko' , they became very good friends and adopted the Marxism.
    May 1890, Vladimir's mother convinced the authorities to allow Vladimir to undertake his exams externally at a university of his choice. Choosing the University of Saint Petersburg and obtaining the equivalent of a first-class degree with honors. Vladimir spent then next several years in Samara working as a lawyer, and writing papers on his Marxist approach on Russia  Vladimir started spreading these papers and he was arrested for doing so. Imprisoned at the House of Preliminary Detention in Shpalernaya Street, Vladimir was refused legal representation, so denied all charges. Vladimir was then sentenced without trial to 3 years exile.
  Vladimir moved to Germany, and later on to Switzerland where he met more revolutionaries and would later return to Russia in heat of the revolution, In November 1905.

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